Transformational wellness of the body and mind, the holistic approach

Get Started About Maria

Imagine The Possibilities.
What If You Could…

  • Manage health conditions along with the symptoms, pain, discomfort and loss of function.
  • Eliminate fatigue, muscle weakness, brain fog, lack of mental clarity, emotional instability, anxiety, fear and depression.
  • Find a weight loss solution you can maintain and are no longer plagued by hunger, cravings and dieting
  • Finally stop living in perpetual fear of aging and a future of declining health.

Now you wake up motivated and ready to conquer your day. Your skin is radiant. You feel energized, fit, strong… full of vitality. You have the drive to keep up with life’s demands and are always inspired to keep pushing. Your mental and emotional fortitude in the face of life’s adversities is steadfast and resilient. Your experience of life is richer…

You Want Answers?

All humans have their own bio-individual blueprint. There’s no one size fits all approach to your health issues, vitality, longevity and quality of life. With tons of information out there and many modalities to choose from, how do you know what is right for you? How do you know what will work?

You may have explored many different methods and diets. You may have even experienced measurable benefits and results, but for how long? Any generalized or quick solutions may be short lived and potentially harmful in the long run because you are not getting to the source of YOU.

My Approach

What Health Concerns Can I Support Through This Work?


This is where we begin… Foundationally. If you neglect digestion, you neglect blocking factors to your healing and digestion is at the heart of that. This includes but is not limited to acid reflux, ulcers, parasites, pathogens, gut worms, protozoa, fungi/yeast, imbalanced microbiome, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies and malabsorption. These can all cause more downstream effects and illness than just the digestive symptoms they represent like inflammation, constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating.


70-80% of our immunity is in our digestive system. Another reason why digestion is key. The immune system is our first and foremost protection against viruses, bacterium, and diseases. Inflammation is a result of an immune response. It can be caused by a variety of factors. Uncovering what is driving it, addressing it and strengthening our body’s ability to heal and manage conditions associated with it is essential. Unaddressed it can damage organs and tissues and contribute to chronic disease.

Blood Sugar Dysregulation

Blood sugar dysregulation impedes virtually every metabolic, hormonal and neurological function in the body. It impacts our energy levels, weight, sleep, mental health, clarity, mood, level of inflammation in the body, and the body’s ability to defend itself from disease. Addressing any dysregulation including conditions such as hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, diabetes and metabolic syndrome is a priority.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel toward a distant target organ. They are like a signaling system. Foundationally we can support the body’s intricate dance between our hormones and the many functions it controls. This includes but is not limited to digestion, adrenal health, thyroid health, reproductive health issues like Endometriosis, PCOS, PMS, infertility, menopause and male hormone imbalance.

Mental Health

My journey started here with my own experience. There is a direct connection between the brain and the gut. More than 90% of the body’s serotonin lies in the gut as well as 50% of the body’s dopamine. GI dysfunction has a considerable impact on mood due the role it plays in neurotransmitter synthesis. Addressing our health foundationally can support conditions like ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, emotional instability, lack of mental clarity and more.

Weight Loss, Optimal Fitness/Performance

Addressing your seed level health also paves the way for sustainable weight loss. Oftentimes the weight loss roller coaster has a lot to do with blocking factors to your body’s optimal function. Symptoms like energy highs and lows, hunger and cravings make it difficult to comply with any attempts and struggling to find the perfect life diet that you can maintain and truly enjoy without ever feeling deprived or limited seems impossible… It is possible. Through this work we can uncover any factors blocking your body’s ability to get down to your healthy weight and address any symptoms that would keep you from staying on track as well as obtain optimal fitness and performance.


Over the course of your life your body will naturally have some wear and tear. If your goal is to optimize health and prevent any health scares later, this work is equally important. Discovering your bio-individual needs is the key to sustainability, looking great, feeling great and aging gracefully. Getting ahead of the game and doing this work now is extremely valuable. You can prevent costly medical bills down the line and obtain the longevity and vitality that comes with an ideal quality of life.

Other Considerations

Heart health, cholesterol, blood pressure, autoimmune conditions, kidney/liver health, detoxification, skin disorders, anemias and chronic fatigue. All of these and more are a downstream effect of foundational health starting at the root will set the stage for proper healing in these areas that you can sustain.

Begin Your Journey

My Story And My Mission

I have a desire for transformational growth. I believe consciousness is key and I’m also equally fascinated with the human body. My journey to overall wellness started young when I decided to get in shape. I went on to get certified in yoga, pilates, barre and have continued to exercise religiously all these years. I LOVE IT. It’s therapy for me. Early on, like so many on a fitness path seeking guidance, I made mistakes. I placed my trust in “so- called” authorities and I tried all different kinds of diets knowing nothing about nutritional value or how it affected me. Their intentions may have been in the right place, but they were not well informed…

About Maria

My Approach

Our bodies have innate intelligence to perform billions of biochemical processes each day that allow us to grow, fight infection, adapt, regenerate… etc. Our bodies don’t fail us. We fail our bodies. We confuse and stress it out with modern toxic living and fast paced lives. We feed it a modern diet of nutrient deficient processed foods that the body doesn’t recognize. When we do feed it with natural whole foods, it’s often laden with pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. A multitude of the health problems we face are brought on as a result of this. Modern medicine does not always make the connection and thus to make matters worse we may take prescription medications to address “symptoms” accumulated by this lifestyle instead of getting down to the real issues that can restore our health…

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Frequently Asked Question

No, I do not. It is a holistic approach not covered by western medicine. However, I am addressing the root cause. This means it’s not only truly healing but preventative. I am not addressing symptoms that could waste precious time and money and potentially adverse effects on your health by medications that in addition never truly address the cause or heal you.

Whenever possible I can certainly assist in weaning off some harmful medications so that you can heal naturally and stop any further damage to your health, however, It really all depends on the individual and what the medication is for. Although some medications may have adverse effects on your health that everyone should be aware of, there are others that are necessary and may not interfere. I am not a doctor and I am not trying to take your provider’s place. If necessary, at times and with permission… I may work alongside your doctor to determine the best course of action. Your best interest is always in mind.

This will be different for everyone, their health status, goals and how we decide to move forward after speaking. You may go at your own pace or need a longer program with more guidance. More on the process HERE

  1. Apply to work with me.
  2. If we are a good fit, I will respond between 2-3 business days, and you will be prompted to schedule a free 30 minute discovery call so we can meet and get acquainted. Here I also inquire about symptoms, health issues/concerns, goals etc.… You can inquire about what I do, how I can help you or anything you have questions about including details on the different processes. More on what may be included in the process can be found HERE.

I use cutting edge laboratory testing. It is above the average or gold standard testing of its kind. This ensures accuracy and clarity. These include stool testing, blood testing for food/ingredient (covering some personal hygiene products as well) sensitivities, saliva/urine testing for male/female hormones as well as adrenal health and comprehensive blood testing that allows me to get a good view of the many systems and organs of the body including some nutritional deficiencies and thyroid health. More on testing Here. You can also inquire more about specific tests during a consultation.

Everyone and their healing process is different as well as what service you decide to proceed with. If after speaking with me you opt for one in depth consultation, I will give you a thorough breakdown of my findings and arm you with whatever tools, resources and/or educational material you may need to take it on at your own pace. If you opt for a longer program, I am with you every step of the way to answer any questions and guide you through every aspect of it using phone, text email and consultations. More on services HERE.

This will depend on what we determine the best course of action is after speaking with me.

No calorie counting here! We focus on healthy nutrient dense diets that you can incorporate into your lifestyle indefinitely. The dietary recommendations are based on your bio-individual needs, health issues and goals. That being said. There may be foods you will need to avoid during your protocol, however there is plenty of nutrient dense foods to include without restriction and in a balanced way.

The foods you abstain from really depends on your health issues, goals and potential test results. The testing I do will provide me with what foods may be causing any inflammation and so removing those for a time to facilitate the healing process is necessary. Realistically you may have to abstain from some foods you love during this process. I try to work with you to find replacements when I can. When that is not possible just know it is necessary during the healing protocol and it is not a forever way of eating. There are however plenty of foods to choose from that you can have.

Yes. I can order laboratory testing remotely and/or have kits sent to your home. Long distance consults are via video calls/zoom.

What makes me different is that I use laboratory testing so there is no guess work. For example, you may have digestive issues/symptoms that fall under a category… Say IBS, constipation or parasites. But why? And what exactly? The blueprint of YOUR gut is unique only to YOU.

There are other great modalities, cleanses and diets that can “potentially” help but are not targeted and may not necessarily address “YOUR” root cause. Testing ensures you get to the point once and for all! I work with special diets and top nutraceutical companies to give you the best supplementation available, and I am thorough in that I look at the big picture taking into consideration your health history, symptoms and lifestyle including stress reduction.

In addition, it is educational. You will learn about yourself, healthier choices, healthier living and be able to create sustainable practices you can apply long after we are done.

Apply To Work Together

I value your interest in trusting me with your health! The FAQ section may answer any questions you have before applying. You can find that HERE.

I respond to applications within 2 business days. If we are a good fit, you will be prompted to schedule a free 30-minute discovery call.

Work With Me

This Is Why I Do What I Do

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