This Is Why I Do What I Do

Before working with Maria, I was overweight, sluggish, very low on energy and suffered from brain fog. I was raised to only trust western medicine and was put on Cholesterol and blood pressure medication. After some bad experiences and no real progress, I lost faith in the medical system. My doctors didn’t provide me with appropriate counseling on nutrition. I knew nothing about that or unhealthy/dangerous ingredients, food labels, or even where to look and so I didn’t really care but I knew I needed to do “something”. 

I met Maria and she opened my eyes to a paradigm of therapy I had kind of heard about but didn’t take seriously until she explained it to me and made sense of it. I put my trust in Maria because she is knowledgeable and passionate about her work and helping people heal. She really listened to me and sincerely cared about making sure I got results. I felt confident in her approach because she helped me understand why it was so important to start at the source, get clarity from there and work our way up. It was obvious she wasn’t just trying to relieve my symptoms. She ran tests, found bacteria in my gut and food sensitivities that were doing damage plus clearly affecting my health and ability to heal. When that part was done, she had me take another test to continue on to the next level of healing.

Although I was ready to take this on, it was a difficult adjustment at my late age having gone from living and eating a certain way my entire life to changing my habits and structures. She put a lot of time and effort into figuring out exactly what was right for me and how to help me get through it. Maria’s procedural and emotional guidance through the process was exceptional. A couple examples of her guidance that I found tremendously helpful and effective is how she helped me figure out an easy way I could prepare my food that made it healthy and enjoyable. She even taught me how to get my kids (my beloved dogs) off processed food and how to cook for them so we could get healthy together. She educated me on the process of fully functional digestion, ingredients, food labels, good fats and proper food balance.

Maria emphasized and explained why complete healing also needed to include inner healing of a non-physical quality and introduced mindfulness, meditation, other methods of introspection and educated me on how it’s all tied together. This component brought my stress level down and ability to enjoy life up! It encouraged me to think differently, treat people differently and be a better version of me.

Maria motivated me to exercise regularly and keep pushing till this day! I went from 280 to 240lbs. I am off meds. My mind is clearer, and I have a lot more energy. I didn’t even know I could feel this good in my lifetime. I felt so good I was willing to go through it again 2 years later just to stay on top of my health. I often say that Maria saved my life. I recommend Maria because her process is methodical and very well thought out with your individual needs and goals always in mind. She is someone that will work hard for you because she really cares. The process takes commitment and a lot of work to be sure but it well worth it.

– Philip Jewett

I came to Maria because my brother highly recommended her. She had completely turned his health and habits around and so I gave it a shot. My diet wasn’t the best most of my life and I found myself in the hospital one day in critical condition. I Was diagnosed with diabetes. I was told I needed a serious change in my diet because the next time I may not be so lucky. I was also on acid reflux medication for many years. Maria educated me on the dangers of staying on my medication and how to wean off it. I had no idea the damage staying on those medications do. She ran tests on me and figured out where to begin, then carefully designed a plan to make changes, repair damage and rebuild my health.

Getting off sugar addiction has been my biggest battle. It is a huge struggle for me even with my health on the line. Maria guided me on how to proceed and educated me on making healthier choices and finding replacements I could implement to make big changes so that it would make my transition easier.

What I liked about Maria’s guidance is that she was always available to answer questions about food ingredients when I was shopping or menu choices when I ate out and she always checked in on me and followed up to review my diet, educate me and continue to make changes. There are a lot of sugar control products out there that are not necessarily good for you. I was clueless. I just trusted front package claims, advertisements and assumed it was good for me. Her knowledge has helped me get clear on what healthier choices really are and how important it is for me to educate myself.

I recommend Maria because she makes it her mission to help you get your head around why addressing digestion and sugar control is paramount to your health and quality of life as she puts it. I have 2 daughters and I’ve recently become a grandfather to a beautiful boy and girl. I want to be around for them, enjoy time with them and grow old with them.Thank you, Maria!

-Doug Jewett

Maria literally changed the trajectory of my health; she helped stop a train wreck taking place in my body.…I was so out whack!

When I hit post menopause at age 53. I went from being quite healthy to feeling like a Jack-in-the-box went off in me and stuff went flying out as the clown in it was rocking back and forth laughing. The imbalance of hormones during menopause had caused havoc in my body and set off an autoimmune disorder. I had become very sick.

My endocrine system, GI tract, stomach, liver and other organs were greatly affected, and my doctors were not getting to the bottom of the cause…but Maria did. AND she got me back in balance again.

I was referred to Maria by a friend 1 1/2 years ago and together we methodically went through every system in my body. I followed her protocol and soon I was no longer spending days on end lying in a fetal position in a dark room with screaming headaches wondering who would take care of me, my children (when I died), and run my business. My body had hurt seemingly everywhere. I had been scared to eat anything as I could not figure out what was the trigger. My body was weak, tired, and in such pain. Systems were breaking down. Doom and gloom was definitely at my door.

Now I am on top of my health issues. Maria helped me kill off Candida, H. pylori, balance my hormones and revamp my food intake, the attitude I had around my health, exercise, self-care, my mindset, and I have little (if any) fear as to what foods to eat. I have lost 34 pounds and I can digest my food and filter my blood now. I no longer feel puffy with water and sluggish in my body. My life was reset back years and my frame of reference is now locked into “health” and creating health for my future.

Yes, I still have the autoimmune disorder, I understand I will have that for life, but now that Maria taught me so much about my sensitive body and what I specifically need to function and stay healthy, I will be able to navigate my future with confidence.

– Jane Hampton

I came to Maria because I was having some health problems due to stomach issues. As I started to enter my 50th year stage of my life, it started affecting me very badly. She put me on a diet and essential vitamin supplements to help improve the condition of my stomach and taught me how to eat healthy and properly! She’s personable and very thorough with how she explains everything! She cuts no corners and really goes out her way to help. She most definitely improved my quality of life. I will always trust Maria with my health! Thank you, Maria.

– Ron Gonzalez