About Maria Xiques

Maria Xiques, FNTP, RWS-3, CGP

  • Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
  • Restorative Wellness Practitioner
  • Certified GAPS Practitioner

I have a desire for transformational growth. I believe consciousness is key and I’m also equally fascinated with the human body. My journey to overall wellness started young when I decided to get in shape. I went on to get certified in yoga, pilates, barre and have continued to exercise religiously all these years. I LOVE IT. It’s therapy for me. Early on, like so many on a fitness path seeking guidance, I made mistakes. I placed my trust in “so-called” authorities and I tried all different kinds of diets knowing nothing about nutritional value or how it affected me. Their intentions may have been in the right place, but they were not well informed.

Meanwhile, throughout my life I struggled with an eating disorder, depression, anxiety, lack of focus, lack of clarity, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems and dependencies. My quality of life had always been very deficient in comparison to how I “looked”. It was my mental health that felt so severe I sought help the only way I knew how so I got on anti-depressants. They helped me regain control of my mind, but it was a fleeting band aid that I knew was not a real solution or good for me. My healing started with the mind through spiritual learning and practices. It is truly my foundation. My rock. Passion for overall wellness and PROPER information followed. As I continued to seek and learn I found the connection between food and EVERYTHING… The way you FEEL and FUNCTION physically, mentally and emotionally. The way you THINK. The way you GROW. The way you HEAL and the way you DON’T. I continued to independently research, learn and practice anything having to do with spiritual growth, health, lifestyle and nutrition finally making my way to what is authentic. My mission, by no accident, led me to a proper education, my purpose in life and a strong desire to share it. The opportunity to facilitate someone’s healing, especially when they have been misguided and are suffering is what drives me. Life is always work in progress but the me I am today through continuous growth and transformation is a blessing.

Wholistic Revolution exists because of my thirst to share every part of my experience with you… Because I understand that my transformation was never meant to be for me alone but for you as well. For you to know that you are not alone and that I intend to help you arrive at something that heals you and inspires you to keep reaching higher.

How I Work

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